Beauty Myths

Beauty Myths – True or False

Do you remember when someone may have told you that eating chocolate gives you pimples or that makeup causes pimples? These are just a couple of beauty myths I have hard but are these beauty myths are true or false?

Here e a few beauty myths I have heard through the years; perhaps you have too.  I am sure you can think of more.  If you would like to add one in the comments, feel free to do so.

Chocolate causes break outs

No food has been proven to cause breakouts; however, if your face always tends to break out with chocolate or other foods like french fries of potato chips, you may have a food allergy.  If you break out when eating these items you may want to not eat them.

If it’s cloudy outside you don’t need

Sunscreen- The sun’s damaging UVA and UVB rays penetrate the clouds and can still damage your skin.  I like my day cream to have sunscreen in it.

You don’t need to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes

Well, this is certainly not true.  A friend of mine who had macular degeneration of the eyes was told by her eye doctor that it was caused from not wearing sunglasses growing up.

You should wear sunglasses that have 100% UV protection to filter both UVA and UVB rays—this is the most important thing you can do to save your eyes.

My hair will be protected from sun damage if I wear sunscreen in my hair

The surface of hair is not flat; therefore, it is not possible to get the coverage you would need on every strand.

Recommendation to keep hair soft and shiny and slow down the sun from stripping the color from your hair would be to apply a leave-in conditioner after a day in the sun.

This will help prevent your hair from drying out.

Shampooing your hair everyday strips your hair of natural oils

Hair produces natural oils and shampooing your hair everyday will strip it of those natural oils.  If you do it too frequently you may dry your hair out.  It is really a matter of preference.

If you naturally produce a lot of oil, you may need to shampoo everyday, but if it seems as though your hair is dry; you may want to hold back on shampooing everyday.

More shampoo lather means it is working better

Extra lather only means that the product contains extra foaming agents that make it lather up but it isn’t making your hair cleaner. 

Bad Hygiene causes pimples

Many people with pimples wash their skin too hard and/or too often.  This can strip oil from the skin and cause it to secrete more oils to compensate.  This can lead to pimply, dry skin.

It is recommended that you wash away makeup and impurities from your face twice a day.  Morning and evening before bed.  If you want a quick routine try Avon makeup mineral wipes with mineral complex.  

Full line of Avon facial cleansers and facial toners.

Shaving your legs makes hair grow back thicker

Unless hormonal changes or medication causes it to change shaving legs will not make hair on legs grow thicker.  


Age Spots Come With Age

If you are exposed to sun, you are going to get age spots.  From freckles to skin discoloration on your hands and face.  All of which you can get at any age.  To prevent, use a day cream sunscreen for your face and sunscreen on your hands.

To treat use Avon’s Banishing Cream Discoloration Improver, Avon’s Anew Clinical Absolute Even spot Correcting Hand Cream with SPF 15, Anew Clinical Absolute Even Multi-Tone Skin Corrector.

There are a lot of other myths out there, but for now this is what I wanted to share with ya’all.  If you have one, please share it.  

About Author

Monica Brown
Hello, and thank-you for visiting my TrustedBeautyBlog. My name is Monica Brown and I have been an Ind. Avon Rep since 2014. I love sharing my product reviews with customers and helping those who want to sell Avon get started. Feel free to leave comments or contact me @ Join my team: Use Reference: mbrown316

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