The Power of a Hug

The Power of a Hug

As I was hugging my husband today, I began to really focus on the hug and how it made me feel.  It made me feel safe, loved and happy.

Afterwards, I thought why not do a blog post on the power of a hug.  Personally I feel that our society may be lacking in this area.  I know sometimes I get too busy to give hugs to my family; including my husband, but it is important. 

Hugs are medicine for our souls, body and mind.

For those who know me; they know that I am a hugger.  I don’t know why but I love giving hugs to my dear friends, family and especially those wonderful grandbabies; I even give my dog hugs. It is an expression of friendship and love and may be my super power – LOL!!

Really I don’t know why some are huggers and some are not but I thought I would explore the power of a hug.

The Power of a Hug


Hugs are a good thing. We may hug others when we are excited, happy, sad, offering comfort or showing love.

Did you know that according to scientists the benefits of hugs go beyond the way they make us feel.  Hugs release oxytocin – a bonding hormone that appears to build trust, reduce fear, increase compassion and generosity.

Science proves the power of a hug –  that regular hugs with those closest to you, even if brief, can have especially positive effects on your brain and body.

Hugging can reduce how long a cold lasts and even reduce blood pressure.  Ocytocin decreases the amounts of cortisol, which
lowers blood pressure and relieves stress.

Now, I don’t believe everything I read on the internet, but according to some of the articles I read; we could all use at least 4 hugs a day, 8 is ideal and to gain the benefits of a hug – 20 seconds is the key to the health benefits stated above.

With all that said – “hug it out.”  The next time you feel like fighting; stop, give a hug instead.  If you feel the need for a hug because of stress, sadness, anxiety – whatever the reason; ask a loved one for a hug and give a good, tight squeeze.

After having read all there is to know about hugs; I will never underestimate the power of a hug.

I will be hugging my loved ones more often (at least 4 times per day – LOL and longer).

January 21st is National Hug day – get out there and hug someone!!  


Proverbs 17:22 of the  Bible says – A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

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Monica Brown
Hello, and thank-you for visiting my TrustedBeautyBlog. My name is Monica Brown and I have been an Ind. Avon Rep since 2014. I love sharing my product reviews with customers and helping those who want to sell Avon get started. Feel free to leave comments or contact me @ Join my team: Use Reference: mbrown316

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